更新时间: 2023-10-23 16:45:52
rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame结构体 参考
rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame结构体 参考

Public 属性

int width
int height
int yStride
int uStride
int vStride
void * yBuffer
void * uBuffer
void * vBuffer
int rotation
int64_t renderTimeMs
int avsync_type


◆ width

int rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::width

Video pixel width.

◆ height

int rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::height

Video pixel height.

◆ yStride

int rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::yStride

Line span of the Y buffer within the YUV data.

◆ uStride

int rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::uStride

Line span of the U buffer within the YUV data.

◆ vStride

int rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::vStride

Line span of the V buffer within the YUV data.

◆ yBuffer

void* rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::yBuffer

Pointer to the Y buffer pointer within the YUV data.

◆ uBuffer

void* rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::uBuffer

Pointer to the U buffer pointer within the YUV data.

◆ vBuffer

void* rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::vBuffer

Pointer to the V buffer pointer within the YUV data.

◆ rotation

int rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::rotation

Set the rotation of this frame before rendering the video. Supports 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees clockwise.

◆ renderTimeMs

int64_t rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::renderTimeMs

Timestamp (ms) for the video stream render. Use this timestamp to synchronize the video stream render while rendering the video streams.

This timestamp is for rendering the video stream, and not for capturing the video stream.

◆ avsync_type

int rtc::YuvI420VideoFrame::avsync_type
